Mods Database

Mod Title Version Description Author Location
AJAX Chat 2.0.0 Beta 2.0.0 Beta 8 This Mod Adds AJAX Chat to your forum. Users can chat without ever needing to reload the page. Handyman   
AJAX Registration Checks 0.1.2  During user registration, this MOD makes a number of checks to see if it can find errors with the information given by the user. These checks are; * Checks if the username is available or has already been taken. * Checks that the two passwords entered are the same (if both have been entered). * Checks if the first email address is in the correct format. If it is then it does the next check: * Checks that the two email addresses entered are the same (if both have been entered). LoonyLuke (Quezza)   
AJAX Userinfo 0.1.0 Beta Shows a small popup with the avatar and infos about the user by mouseover on a username with link to profile. Rewritten for Portal XL 4.0 use by DaMysterious. tas2580   
Advanced phpBB3 SEO mod Rewrite 0.4.0  This mod will URL rewrite phpBB URLs, injecting categories, forums and topic titles in their URLS. dcz   
Attachment Manager 0.1.0  Displays all forum attachments in an overview with the possibility of filtering, sorting and setting permissions. ameeck, christian0012   
Attachments on Portal/Index 0.01 Beta Lists all attachments placed through messages on portal or index page and makes them downloadable by one click. This mod is exclusively part of Portal XL 4.0. DaMysterious   
Auto Groups MOD 1.0.0  Gives administrators options to place users in groups based on post count, membership days, and warning points. A_Jelly_Doughnu   
Contact board administration 0.1.4  This MOD will add a contact form to your board that, can be used to send messages to the administration. You can chose if the form should create a new post, send a private message or an email. You can also enable / disable the captcha feature. eviL<3   
Country Flags 1.0.0  Are you a true patriot? This MOD allows your registered users to select the flag of their country. Their country flags will then display thoughout the phpBB system. You can select a default country flag for usergroups. You also can manage these flags (edit/delete/add), change some settings, set country flag for users/groups... in ACP, and in UCP for usergroups. nedka   
Crawler linker 1.0  This mod creates a page on your forum with 500 links to postings at your board. The page has pagination in case your board has more then 500 searchwords. The links are generated from the search_word table. Searchengines like google, msn or whatever can index the page and thus taking in all those links into their database. DaMysterious   